House Of The Rising Sun– Singer Joan Baez日昇之屋 



    這是The Animals版本的歌詞

House of the rising sun   The Animals          日昇之屋   動物合唱團

There is a house in New Orleans                         在紐奧良有一間屋子 
They call the Rising Sun                                     人們都叫它"日昇之屋"
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy            很多窮人的孩子都在此毀掉一生
And God I know I'm one                                     我就是其中一個

My mother was a tailor                                       我的母親是個裁縫 
She sewed my new blue jeans                             是她把我的新牛仔褲補好的
My father was a gambling man                           我的父親是個賭鬼 
Down in New Orleans                                        在紐奧良南方 
Now the only thing a gambler needs                   現在,這個賭鬼唯一需要的 
Is a suitcase and trunk                                        是行李箱與大皮箱
And the only time he's satisfied                          他唯一感到滿足的時候  
Is when he's on a drunk                                      是他喝醉的時候

Oh mother, tell your children        噢!媽媽,告訴孩子們 
Not to do what I have done           別步我的後塵 
Spend your lives in sin and misery        在罪惡與悲慘中度過餘生
In the House of the Rising Sun        在那"日昇之屋"

Well, I got one foot on the platform      我一腳踏在月台
The other foot on the train         另一腳踏在火車車廂上
I'm going back to New Orleans        我正要回到紐奧良
To wear that ball and chain           回去戴上腳銬與鎖鏈

Well, there is a house in New Orleans      在紐奧良有一間屋子 
They call the Rising Sun            人們都叫它"日昇之屋"
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy      很多窮人的孩子都在此毀掉一生
And God I know I'm one            我知道,我就是其中一個

  (中英對照歌詞 來自安德森之夢 )



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